Washington Academy of General Dentistry
Ever since the COVID-19 outbreak, the Washington Academy of General Dentistry (WAGD) has been committed to providing you with the most factual and up-to-date information available to help keep you safe and informed.
The WAGD has taken a stand and we are committed to ensuring the most competitive pricing with the safest, most high quality products - guaranteed. OUR MEMBERS WILL BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF NO MORE! As we are all aware, these are unchartered times and while the supply chain has become more even from some of your regular vendors, many are still behind and some are price gouging. Our partners have guaranteed to remain competitive and fluid with their pricing and continue to push for the lowest prices possible. As the market ebbs and flows - so will the WAGD marketplace pricing - and always at a cost lower than you can find anywhere else!
AND just so you know - a percentage of every dollar you spend goes right back to benefiting our members by helping WAGD sponsor Mastertrack, bring in world renowned speakers, sponsor free fun events, offer student lunch & learns, and so much more! Our leadership is actively striving to offer programs that make the most out of your member benefits and we truly hope that each and every one of you will take advantage of your exclusive entrance into the WAGD Marketplace where a broad array of products and services will begin to be offered at discounted prices year-round.
Thank you for your continued support. As always, we are here for you and want to hear feedback from our members. If there are items, products, and services you would like to request be considered for the marketplace, or for all general feedback, please reach out to our Executive Director, Valerie Bartoli:
[email protected]
Stay safe, healthy, and protected!
Vendors on the Marketplace