MPale: Virus and Disease Prevention

Health | Health

$0.50 Monthly

$0.45/mo if you buy 2001 to 3000

$0.40/mo if you buy 3001 to 4000

$0.35/mo if you buy 4001 or more

Member price starting at: $0.45/mo

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Mpact Environmental Solutions our exclusive two step process that destroys 99.9% of all viruses bacteria and molds on any surface for up to 30 days! Step 1: MPerial neutralizes and destroys  99.9% of all the things you can't see like viruses bacteria mold and mildew and it prepares the surface for step 2 of the process. Step 2: Mpale's unique spike molecular structure is imperceptible to the human touch but highly effective against all viruses including human coronavirus. MPale bonds with both hard and soft surfaces and continuously protects not with poison but by puncturing and electrocuting cell walls on a microscopic level.  MPale dries it bonds to the surface and retains its effectiveness for minimum 30 days before reapplication and you can continue to clean all surfaces regularly without the protective coating being impacted.

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